Heart of a Lion Bibliography

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Following is the complete list of references for Heart of a Lion, including many omitted from the published volume.

Adams, Sean. 2012. Mountain lion sought in Connecticut. CNS New York, January 17. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/01/17/mountain-lion-sought-in-connecticut/

Allen, Durward L.  1974. Our wildlife legacy. New York: Funk and Wagnalls.

Allen, Joel Asaph. 1876. The former range of some New England carnivorous mammals. The American Naturalist 10(12):708-715.

Allen, Kate and Wendy Gillis. 2012. Why the mystery of Muskoka’s escaped cougar may never be solved: Lions and tigers as pets? Backyard zoos? No problem. Ontario is the only province with no laws specifically governing exotic animal ownership. The Toronto Star, August 5. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2012/08/05/why_the_mystery_of_muskokas_escaped_cougar_may_never_be_solved.html

Allombert, Sylvain, Steve Stockton, and Jean-Louis Martin.  2005.  A natural experiment on the impact of overabundant deer on forest invertebrates. Conservation Biology 19(6):1917-1929.

Alroy, John.  2001.  A multispecies overkill simulation of the end-Pleistocene megafaunal mass extinction.  Science 292:1893-1896.

Altendorf, Kelly B., John W. Laundré, Carlos A. López González, and Joel S. Brown. 2001. Assessing effects of predation risk on foraging behavior of mule deer. Journal of Mammalogy 82(2):430–439.

Alverson, William, Donald M. Waller, and Stephen L. Solheim.  1988. Forests too deer: edge effects in Northern Wisconsin.  Conservation Biology 2(4):348-358.

Alverson, William S., and Donald M. Waller.  1997.  Deer populations and the widespread failure of hemlock regeneration in northern forests. In The science of overabundance: Deer ecology and population management, ed. William J. McShea, H. Brian Underwood, and John H. Rappole, 280-297.

Amey, Tim. 2008. Mountain lion ‘refugees’ stream into Norwalk for fundraiser. News Talk 650, June 9. http://www.newstalk650.com/story/20081007/6804

Anders, Melissa. 2012. DNR releases photo of cougar in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula; confirms 3 sightings. Mlive.com, November 28. http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2012/11/dnr_confirms_more_cougar_trail.html

Anderson, Charles, R. Jr. 2003. Cougar ecology, management, and population genetics in Wyoming. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Wyoming, Laramie.

Anderson, Charles R. Jr., Federick G. Lindzey, and David B. Mcdonald. 2004. Genetic structure of cougar populations across the Wyoming Basin: Metapopulation or megapopulation. Journal of Mammalogy 85(6):1207–1214.

Anderson, Dennis. 2009. With hunters on his side, lion’s no easy catch. StarTribune.com, March 5. http://www.startribune.com/local/40797587.html?page=1&c=y

Anderson, Jim. 2011. This cat logged impressive mileage. Star Tribune, August 4. http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2011/08/04/v-print/2129900/this-cat-logged-impressive-mileage.html

Anderson, Troy. 2010. Mystery of local lion king in Santa Monica Mountains keeping scientists guessing. Daily News–Los Angeles, April 5. http://www.dailynews.com/news/ci_14819737

Andreasen, Alyson M., Kelley M. Stewart, William S. Longland, Jon P. Beckmann, and Matthew L. Forister 2012. Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin. Molecular Ecology 21(23):5689-5701

Angier, Natalie. 2010. A love affair with panthers, for the moment. New York Times, January 24. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/05/science/05angi.html?pagewanted=1

Anonymous. 1991. Famous hunters of man-eaters. In Great cats: Majestic creatures of the wild, ed. John Seidensticker and Susan Lumpkin, 210-11.  Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press.

_____. 1991. FOTEP sponsors major road show. Panther Prints: The Official Newsletter of the Friends of the Eastern Panther 1(2):1-2.

Applebome, Peter. 2011. Wild cougar traveled east 1,500 miles, tests find. New York Times, July 26. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/27/nyregion/wild-cougar-traveled-east-1500-miles-tests-find.html?scp=2&sq=connecticut%20mountain%20lion&st=cse.

Armstrong, Jim. 2012. Mountain lion spotted near Manchester, NH school. CBS Boston, May 18. http://boston.cbslocal.com/2012/05/18/mountain-lion-spotted-near-manchester-nh-school/

Armstrong, Liz Schevtchuk. 2014. Mountain lion sightings generate uproar. Phillipstown.info, August 22. http://philipstown.info/2014/08/22/mountain-lion-sightings-generate-uproar/

Arribas, Alfonso and Paul Palmqvist. 1999. On the ecological connection between sabre-tooths and hominids: Faunal dispersal events in the lower Pleistocene and a review of the evidence for the first human arrival in Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 26:571–585.

Aschbrenner, Joel. 2013a. Stuffed mountain lion, shot last year, finds home at police station. Des Moines Register, July 29. http://blogs.desmoinesregister.com/dmr/index.php/2013/07/29/stuffed-and-mounted-cougar-shot-last-year-now-at-police-museum

_____. 2013b. Photo: Mountain lion spotted near Winterset. Des Moines Register, October 21. http://blogs.desmoinesregister.com/dmr/index.php/2013/10/21/photo-mountain-lion-spotted-near-winterset/article?nclick_check=1

Associated Press. 2009. Bill to let landowners killing cougars keep pelt. Rapid City Journal, January 25. http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/bill-to-let-landowners-killing-cougars-keep-pelt/article_77b37550-bca6-54f3-8992-0edcae575c45.html

_____. 2011. Necropsy to be performed on Conn. mountain lion. Bangor Daily News, June 22. http://bangordailynews.com/2011/06/22/news/nation/necropsy-to-be-performed-on-conn-mountain-lion/?ref=relatedBox

_____, 2012. Mo. legislation would allow mountain lion killings. February 2. http://washingtonexaminer.com/news/2012/02/mo-legislation-would-allow-mountain-lion-killings/2164696

_____. 2012a. Fewer Black Hills elk licenses for 2012. NECN.com, April 4. http://www.necn.com/04/04/12/Fewer-Black-Hills-elk-licenses-for-2012/landing_scitech.html?&apID=8eb5f2ee2b824c62815707867510cd95

_____. 2012b. SD agency seeks increase in mountain lion hunting. Keloland.com, August 1. http://www.keloland.com/News/newsdetail6371.cfm/sd-agency-seeks-increase-in-mountain-lion-hunting/?id=135284.

_____. 2013a. S.D. law allows use of dogs to hunt mountain lions. Argus Leader, March. 13. http://www.argusleader.com/viewart/20130313/OUROUTDOORS/303130037/S-D-law-allows-use-dogs-hunt-mountain-lions.

_____. 2013b. Mountain lion hunting in South Dakota hits a lull. Keloland.com, March 18. http://www.kdlt.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25193&Itemid=57

_____. 2013c. Men kill mountain lion near Rock Valley, Iowa, homes. Sioux City Journal, December 7. http://siouxcityjournal.com/news/state-and-regional/iowa/men-kill-mountain-lion-near-rock-valley-iowa-homes/article_857eaa30-7fbb-55a0-9da1-ac8713018f0d.html

_____. 2013d. Mountain lion study on track in North Dakota. Epoch Times, May 22. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/69541-mountain-lion-study-on-track-in-north-dakota/

_____. 2013e. Mountain lion killed south of Bismarck, in area where lion caused scare for elementary school. The Republic, November 11. http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/b3fcfdc5c9064e1aae084f1daab3d5e0/ND–School-Mountain-Lion

_____. 2013f. Neb officials reject mountain lion hunting plan. Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan, May 25. http://www.yankton.net/news/state_ap_ne/article_5a6fec7b-7ca2-5238-8025-0d8f2c06c1d9.html

_____. 2014. Famous Los Angeles mountain lion exposed to poison. Washington Post, April 17. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/energy-environment/famous-los-angeles-mountain-lion-exposed-to-poison/2014/04/17/10d4c210-c63d-11e3-b708-471bae3cb10c_story.html

_____. 2015a. Cougar leaves den, crosses 2 freeways on way to new home. Washington Times, April 24. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/24/cougar-leaves-den-crosses-2-freeways-on-way-to-new/.

_____. 2015b. Official: Police made right call in shooting mountain lion. Scottsbluff Star Herald, May 9. http://www.starherald.com/news/regional_statewide/official-police-made-right-call-in-shooting-mountain-lion/article_e9f146d2-f66a-11e4-954c-17f0d0b82204.html

Aulakh, Raveena. 2010. Confirmed: Big cats prowl in Ontario. The Toronto Star, June 21. http://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/2010/06/21/confirmed_big_cats_prowl_in_ontario.html

Austin Daily Herald. 2011. DNR looks into Minn. cougar shooting. December 2. http://www.austindailyherald.com/2011/12/02/dnr%E2%80%88looks-into-minn-cougar-shooting/




Baca, Maria Elena. 2009. Cougar sighting in Champlin. StarTribune.com, December 7. http://www.startribune.com/local/north/78660892.html

Backus, Perry. 2012a. FWP Commission gives preliminary OK to increased West Fork lion harvest.  Missoulian, January 20. http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/fwp-commission-gives-preliminary-ok-to-increased-west-fork-lion/article_6aa5dd0c-43da-11e1-9056-001871e3ce6c.html

_____. 2012b. Bitterroot ranchers want bounty system for wolf, lion kills. Missoulian, February 22. http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/bitterroot-ranchers-want-bounty-system-for-wolf-lion-kills/article_ed138026-5ddb-11e1-b196-0019bb2963f4.html#ixzz1nIu19Hfr

_____. 2012c. Mountain lions kill collared wolves in Bitterroot. Missoulian, May 27. http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/mountain-lions-kill-collared-wolves-in-bitterroot/article_68c0c60c-d792-59e3-b736-5b10c17eb10a.html

_____. 2012d. Wildlife officials propose study of Bitterroot’s lion population. Missoulian, August 30.  http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/wildlife-officials-propose-study-of-bitterroot-s-lion-population/article_7b15121a-f2b8-11e1-938a-001a4bcf887a.html

_____. 2013a. Valley cats: Researchers collecting DNA from Bitterroot mountain lions. Ravalli Republic, February 9. http://www.ravallirepublic.com/lifestyles/blife/article_65588330-72f6-11e2-851c-001a4bcf887a.html

_____. 2013b. Survey shows elk numbers increase. Ravalli Republic, May 16. http://www.ravallirepublic.com/news/local/article_9c976c24-be98-11e2-a704-0019bb2963f4.html

_____. 2015. FWP confirms lion’s paw in trap is authentic. Ravalli Republic, June 16. http://ravallirepublic.com/news/local/article_35b4df84-1489-11e5-b9cd-13c560f8fd51.html

Bailey, Vernon, Joseph Dixon, E.A. Goldman, Edmund Heller, and Charles C. Adams. 1928. Report of the committee on wildlife sanctuaries, including provision for predatory mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 9(4):354-358.

Baiser, B.J., L. Lockwood, D. La Puma, and M.F.J. Aronson. 2008. A perfect storm: two ecosystem engineers interact to degrade deciduous forests of New Jersey. Biological Invasions 10: 785-795.

Baker, Philip J., Amy J. Bentley, Rachel J. Ansell, and Stephen Harris.  2005.  Impact of predation by domestic cats Felis catus in an urban area.  Mammal Review 35:302-312.

Banner, Carol. 2011. More mountain lion sightings reported: Monroe residents need to learn cat differences for positive identification. Monroe Patch, August 12, http://monroe.patch.com/articles/more-mountain-lion-sightings-reported

Barlow, Zeke. 2011.  Mountain lion illegally killed, mutilated in Santa Monica Mountains. October 3. http://www.vcstar.com/news/2011/oct/03/mountain-lion-illegally-killed-mutilated-in/


Baron, David. 2003. Hunting humans? Los Angeles Times, December 2. http://www.latimes.com/classified/jobs/la-os-cougar2dec02-story.html#page=1

_____.  2004. The Beast in the Garden. W.W. Norton and Comp. New York, NY

_____.  2005. A response to mountain lions, myths, and media. Environmental Law 1095-1101.

_____. 2011. The cougar behind your trash can. New York Times, July 28. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/29/opinion/the-cougar-behind-your-trash-can.html?_r=0

Barnett, Ross, and Ian Barnes Matthew. Evolution of the extinct Sabretooths and the American cheetah-like cat. Current Biology 15(15):R589-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2005.07.052

Barnett, Ross, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Beth Shapiro, Simon Y.W. Ho, Ian Barnes, Richard Sabin, Lars Werdelin, Jacques Cuisin, and Greger Larson. 2014. Revealing the maternal demographic history of Panthera leo using ancient DNA and a spatially explicit genealogical analysis. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14:70. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/14/70

Barnett, Ross, Beth Shapiro, Ian Barnes, Simon Y. W. Ho, Joachim Burger, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Thomas F. G. Higham, H. Todd Wheeler, Wilfried Rosendahl, Andrei V. Sher, Marina Sotnikova, Tatiana Kuznetsova, Gennady F. Baryshnikov, Larry D. Martin, C. Richard Harington, James A. Burns, and Alan Cooper. 2009. Phylogeography of lions (Panthera leo ssp.) reveals three distinct taxa and a late Pleistocene reduction in genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology 18(8):1668–1677.

Barnosky, Anthony D., Paul L. Koch, Robert S. Feranec, Scott L. Wing, and Alan B. Shabel.  2004.  Assessing the causes of late Pleistocene extinctions on the continents.  Science 306:70-75.


Barringer, Felicity. 2011a. Eastern cougar is declared extinct, with an asterisk. New York Times, March 2. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/03/science/earth/03cougar.html?_r=0

_____. 2011b. The eastern cougar: Dead or alive? New York Times, March 5. http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/05/the-eastern-cougar-dead-or-alive/?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0

_____. 2012. In California, open season on trophy hunting. New York Times, March 6. http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/06/in-california-open-season-on-trophy-hunting/

Bartnick, Travis D., Marilyn Cuthill, Derek Craighead, and Howard B. Quigley. 2014. Apparent adoption of orphaned cougars (Puma concolor) in northwestern Wyoming. Western North American Naturalist 74(1):133–137.

Beach, Justin. 2014. Los Angeles freeways limiting mountain lion diversity, say researchers. Daily Digest News, ugust 17. http://dailydigestnews.com/2014/08/los-angeles-freeways-limiting-mountain-lion-diversity-say-researchers/

Beausoleil, Richard A., and Gary M. Koehler. 2011. Beyond cougar source-sink management: Distributing hunt effort to preserve social stability. P. 216 in Williams, J., H. Robinson, and L. Sweanor, ed. Proceedings of the Tenth Mountain Lion Workshop, Bozeman, Montana.

Beausoleil, Richard A., Gary M. Koehler, Benjamin T. Maletzke, Brian N. Kertson, and Robert B. Wielgus. 2013. Research to regulation: Cougar social behavior as a guide for management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37(3):680–688.

Beausoleil, Richard A., and Donald A. Martorello, ed. 2005. Proceedings of the Eighth Mountain Lion Workshop, Olympia Washington.

Becker, S.A., D.D. Bjornlie, F.G. Lindzey, and D.S. Moody, eds. 2003. Proceedings of the Seventh Mountain Lion Workshop. Lander, Wyoming.

Beckstead, Scott. 2015. Dogs vs. cougar: Mountain lion population can be useful. January 18. http://www.heraldandnews.com/members/mountain-lion-population-can-be-useful/article_19fc8e8a-9ea1-11e4-87d5-db36364988fc.html

Behrens, Zach. 2009. Map: Where the Mountain Lions Live in the Santa Monica Mountains. Laist.com, June 10 http://laist.com/2009/06/10/map_where_cougars_live_in_the_santa.php

Beier, Paul. 1991. Cougar attacks on humans in the United States and Canada. Wildlife Society Bulletin 19:403-412.

_____. 1992. Cougar Attacks On Humans: An Update and Some Further Reflections. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Vertebrate Pest Conference. Paper 6. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/vpc15/6

_____. 1993. Determining minimum habitat areas and habitat corridors for cougars.  Conservation Biology 7(1):94-108.

_____. 1995. Dispersal of juvenile cougars in fragmented habitat. Journal of Mammalogy 59(2): 228-237.

_____. 1996a. Metapopulation models, tenacious tracking, and cougar conservation. In Metapopulations and wildlife conservation, ed. Dale R. McCullough, 293-323.

_____. 1996b. Letter to Brooks Fahy, August 27.

_____. 2007a. Cougars, connectivity, & missing linkages: Two decades of expanding vision & partnerships. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 43:1-7.

_____. 2007b. Learning like a mountain: Lessons on conserving habitat corridors. The Wildlife Professional, Winter: 26-29.

Beier, Paul, and Reginald H. Barrett. 1993. The cougar in the Santa Monica Range.  Final Report: Orange County Cooperative Mountain Lion Study. 102pp.

Beier, Paul, David Choate, and Reginald H. Barrett. 1995. Movement patterns of mountain lions during different behaviors. Journal of Mammalogy 76(4):1056-1070.

Beier, Paul, and Stanley C. Cunningham. 1996. Power of track surveys to detect changes in cougar populations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24(3):540-546.

Beier, Paul, Michael R. Vaughan, Michael J. Conroy,  and Howard Quigley. 2003. An analysis of scientific literature related to the Florida panther. Final Report. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.

_____. 2006. Evaluating scientific inferences about the Florida Panther. Journal of Wildlife Management 70(1):236-245.

Bekoff, Marc Bekoff. 2013. Recreational hunting redux: Cougar Fund opts for no killing. Psychology Today, March 8. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/201303/recreational-hunting-redux-cougar-fund-opts-no-killing

Bekoff, Marc, and Cara Blessley Lowe.  2007. Listening to Cougar.  Denver: University of Colorado Press.

Belant, Jerrold L., Stephen E. Yancho, and Kimberly S. Struthers. 2006. Does the cougar inhabit Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore? Natural Areas Journal 26:370-375.

Belden, Robert C., and Bruce C. Hagedorn. 1993. Feasibility of translocating panthers into northern Florida. Journal of Wildlife Management 57(2):388-397.

Belden, Robert C., and James W. McCown. 1996. Florida panther reintroduction feasibility study. Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Bureau of Wildlife Reseach. 70pp.

Belanger, Joe. 2007.  DNA tests reveal cougars roam region. Sun Media, May 25. http://pbdba.lfpress.com/cgi-bin/publish.cgi?p=183996&s=pets_nature

Berger, Joel, and Douglas Smith. 2005. Restoring functionality in Yellowstone with recovering carnivores: Gains and uncertainties. In Large carnivores and conservation of biodiversity, ed. Justina Ray, Kent H. Redford, Robert S. Steneck, and Joel. Berger, 100–9.

Berger, Kim Murray.  2006.  Carnivore-livestock conflicts: effects of subsidized predator control and economic correlates on the sheep industry.  Conservation Biology 20(3):751-761.

Bergman, Eric J., Robert A.Garrott, Scott Creel, John J. Borkowski, Rosemary Jaffe, and F.G. R. Watson.  2006. Assessment of prey vulnerability through analysis of wolf movements and kill sites. Ecological Applications 16:273-284.

Bergquist, Lee 2011. Cougar tracked across Wisconsin killed on Connecticut highway. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 26. http://www.jsonline.com/news/wisconsin/126225413.html

Bergstrom, Bradley J., Lily C. Arias, Ana D. Davidson, Adam W. Ferguson, Lynda A. Randa, and Steven R. Sheffield. 2014. License to kill: reforming federal wildlife control to restore biodiversity and ecosystem function. Conservation Letters 7(2):131–142.

Berwyn, Bob. 2011. Finding more room for Florida panthers. Summit County Citizens Voice, November 21. http://summitcountyvoice.com/2011/11/21/finding-more-room-for-florida-panthers/

_____. 2014. Study: Killing wolves to save cattle usually backfires. Summit County Voice, December 5. http://summitcountyvoice.com/2014/12/05/study-killing-wolves-to-save-cattle-usually-backfires/

Beschta, Robert L. 2003. Cottonwoods, elk, and wolves in the Lamar Valley of  Yellowstone National Park. Ecological Appications 13:1295-1309.

_____. 2005. Reduced cottonwood recruitment following extirpation of wolves in Yellowstone’s northern range. Ecology 86: 391-403.

Beschta, Robert L., Cristina Eisenberg, John W. Laundré, William J. Ripple, and Thomas P. Rooney. 2014. Predation risk, elk, and aspen: Comment. Ecology 95(9):2669–2671.

Beschta, Robert L., and William J. Ripple. 2006. River channel dynamics following extirpation of wolves in northwestern Yellowstone National Park. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31:1525-1539.

_____. 2007. Wolves, elk, and aspen in the winter range of Jasper National Park, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Forest Resources 37:1-13.

Biek, Roman, Naomi Akamine, Michael K. Schwartz, Toni K. Ruth, Kerry M. Murphy, and Mary Poss. Date? Genetic consequences of sex-biased dispersal in a solitary arnivore: Yellowstone cougars. Biology Letters, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2005.0437

Black Hills Mountain Lion Foundation. 2010. Is South Dakota killing too many lions? http://americaslion.org/blog/2010/10/07/is-south-dakota-killing-too-many-lions/

Bland, Alastair. 2012. Cougar encounter: Advocates fear rare attack will spur an assault on the species. http://www.newsreview.com/chico/cougar-encounter/content?oid=6688135

Blumenschine, Robert J., Henry T. Bunn, Valerius Geist, Fumiko Ikawa-Smith, Curtis W. Marean, Anthony G. Payne, John Tooby, and Nikolaas J. van der Merwe. 1987. Characteristics of an Early Hominid Scavenging Niche [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology 28(4):383-407.

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_____. 2012. Trapped and tracked, cougars surrender secrets. Orange County Register, January 24. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/-337241–.html

Brickell, John. 1717. The natural history of North Carolina. Dublin: James Carson.

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Brophy, Andrew. 2011a. Connecticut in the lion’s den: Now one seen in Fairfield. Norwalk Patch, June 17. http://norwalk.patch.com/articles/connecticut-in-the-lions-den-now-one-seen-in-fairfield

_____. 2011b. Potential mountain lions now in police crosshairs: Police chief says dep advises that animals, if they can’t be contained, should be euthanized. Fairfield Patch, June 21. http://fairfield.patch.com/articles/potential-mountain-lions-now-in-police-crosshairs

Brown, Joel S., John W. Laundré, and Mahesh Gurung. 1999. The ecology of fear: Optimal foraging, game theory, and trophic interactions. Journal of Mammalogy 80(2):385-399.

Brown, MariAn Gail. 2011. Dead mountain lions tell some tales. Connecticut Post, July 30. http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/MariAn-Gail-Brown-Dead-mountain-lions-tell-some-1666427.php

Brown, Phil. 2010a.  DEC debunks cougar rumor. Adirondack Explorer, February 10. http://www.adirondackexplorer.org/outtakes/dec-debunks-cougar-rumor

_____. 2010b. The cougar question: Have you seen one? Adirondack Almanac, August 2. http://www.adirondackalmanack.com/2010/08/cougar-sightings-revisited.html

_____. 2010c. Take the panther poll. Adirondack Explorer, August 4. http://adirondackexplorer.org/out-takes/

_____. 2011a. Eastern cougar extinct, feds say. Adirondack Explorer, March 2. http://adirondackexplorer.org/out-takes/

_____. 2011b. Phil Brown: Questions about Adirondack cougars. Adirondack Almanac, March 16. http://www.adirondackalmanack.com/2011/03/phil-brown-questions-about-adirondack.html

_____. 2011d. Cougar came from South Dakota. Times Union.com, July 26. http://blog.timesunion.com/adirondacks/cougar-came-from-south-dakota/904/

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